Yoga on Yamhill is a not for-profit collective of teachers and students. Our grass-roots common mission is embedded in "Yoga for All!" Our yoga studio is a little different than most. We have been a donation based studio since 2010, and no one is turned away for lack of funds. This doesn’t mean our classes are free, however we'll accept as little or as much as your heart can give. We believe in a place that supports our new and established teachers, as well as a studio that allows for students to deepen their skills and knowledge. Your generous donations help support our teachers, as well as the studio in keeping the doors open and the lights on. Our class offerings include power yoga, vinyasa, sculpt, cannabis yoga, hatha, yin, restorative, yoga nidra, reiki, ayurveda, naturopathy, LGBTQIA-specific offerings and other healing arts. Our beautiful historic studio space located in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon is also a venue for special events and workshops, art shows, sound baths, drum circles and various wellness practices. Visit our events page and check out our current schedule. Drop ins are welcome and we offer class packs, and memberships, including a new student 2 week intro offer if you want to try out our classes.
Coming on Sunday, April 20,
at 10:00 am
Mantra Spound Journey: A 90-minute soundscape featuring vedic mantras, shamanic, Tibetan sounds and multi-instrumental healing frequencies that will take you on a deep transformational inner journey. Teacher: Chumki Chakraborty, Moss and Moksha IG: @mossandmoksha
Now Every Tuesday at 5:30pm!
(Starting March 4)
Men's Naked Yoga Freedom is for men 18+ to connect with other bi, gay, trans, and queer men who practice naked yoga. Our intention is to hold a sanctuary space to be vulnerable and witnessed, while maintaining trust and respect for each other. Together we can shed the layers of shame that society continually imposes on us as we celebrate being fully in our natural bodies, accepting where we are at any given moment, embracing our imperfections while feeling more confident in our own skin. We’ll use intentional breathing to let go of ideas that are harmful, live bolder and more liberated. All levels welcome. 75 minutes.

We're looking for a few good friends...
who want to volunteer at the studio in exchange for FREE YOGA!
If you are interested, just fill out the contact form below and let us know when you can be available and what special skills or other you have to offer and what physical or other limitations you might have, if any.
Dear Students...

Get Ready for A Big Improvement ...
Soon, we will be testing a new version of our website that will offer you all kinds of wonderful new features, including:
Easily see what we offer and which teachers offer it.
Find the teachers you like and then see their schedule and next class, no more hunting in the schedule!
We're working on adding online pre-recorded and live class options for those of you on the go or at home.
We're adding teachers calendars so you can book private lessons with your favorite teachers!
We're improving our Event section to better allow you to book private events in our beautiful and low-cost studio.
And more...!

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
124 SW Yamhill St, Portland, OR 97204, US
(541) 913-8913
(note: this is a teacher's phone, he can't always answer it right away.)