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This is our BETA TEST SITE!
Feel free to look around and try things out!
If you like, send us any feedback to
we really appreciate your help!
BUT, (and it's a BIG BUT...)
We do not recommend using the BETA TEST pages to schedule classes or purchase anything yet!  So, if you want to do that, just click above to find out more about our classes, teachers, or schedule.

THANK YOU! - The Yoga on Yamhill Team

eGift Card


Share the gift of joy, health, and healing and help introduce someone else to Yoga on Yamhill and our beautiful studio where no one is turned away for lack of funds! No expiration for gift cards....
Share the gift of joy, health, and healing and help introduce someone else to Yoga on Yamhill and our beautiful studio where no one is turned away for lack of funds! No expiration for gift cards.


©2025 by Yoga on Yamhill Portland

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